Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jackson's Third Month - March Photos

Jackson hit the 3 month milestone and has a new bedtime routine and is sleeping in his own crib and room. He is also more alert and very talkative (see other video post) at times. He loves his activity mat and talks with and grasps his animal friends. He also responds to smiles with the most lovely, sweet smile. This month he had visits from new friends and both sets of grandparents, he even celebrated a few birthday parties.

We are very proud parents and loving every day with Jackson.

Below is a link of pictures from March.
Talking video:
(same as below)

Jackson's Second Month - February Photos

We are a bit late posting photos. February came and went quickly. He celebrated both his parent's birthdays this month and had his first outing to the zoo.

Jackson grew more responsive to his parents and family. After two months he weighed in at 11 lbs, 15 ozs and 23 3/4 inches.

Below is a link to various pictures of his second month.